Double Passion, 783
Working Tip: Get this color white hot to erase the striking history. A variety of effects are achievable depending on how long you flame/kiln strike.
This transparent color can strike and shift in color simultaneously because of the perfect mix of ingredients similar to those found in Triple Passion. Striking a bit slower than its Triple counterpart, you can see more yellows, ambers, oranges and pinks. The amount of silver in the color allows you to have a surface buildup of wispy and cloudy bursts of light blues and cream colors that can be controlled by the amount of propane in your torch flame setting. When worked very hot, you are left with an intense pink or magenta color. Your Double Passion will transmit light of different colors depending on how much the base color strikes and how much silver you let rest on the surface. This color works well in blown or solid application, with or without encasement.