Chartreuse Crayon, 403
This color was designed to provide you with a pleasing opaque yellow-green - a color that had been missing from the palette for many years.
Working Tip: Pre-heat in outer flame. Avoid rapid heating.
Artist Description by Mike Shelbo
This yellow green opaque loves to be worked in the outer region of the flame. It stays beautiful and creamy and smooth when worked properly and can be worked without encasement. When using for bit work be mindful of the point at which the glass bit separates from the rod as this tiny spot is susceptible to minor boiling as it melts down. Boil spots can be avoided by folding/pushing the separation point into the bit while molten or place a tiny dab of clear on top, but do not overheat directly while melting in.
It is said that Chartreuse is the most visible color to the human eye. I like that. I also like to use it with Glass Alchemy's Grape, 773 for a nice contrast.